mgr Barbara Radomska

 Graduate of the Gdansk University of Physical Education and Sport  (2003) in the field of physical education, specialty: physical recreation. She has full pedagogical qualifications and many years of experience in conducting classes with children, youth and students. She obtained the teaching qualifications in the field of folk dance after graduating from the two-year school of dance teachers at the National Center for Culture under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Poland (2003). She pursued her dance passions during her studies at the Folk Dance Ensemble ‘Neptun’ at GUPES, and together with the ensemble, she represented the home university during international folk festivals in Poland and abroad (Hungary, Portugal, Belgium, Sweden, Ukraine, Spain, Vietnam). In 2016, she was a member of the Final Jury of the European Song Concert during the 21st. Polish-German Folklore Festival in Munich. Since 2015, he has been an instructor-choreographer in the ensemble.