Anna Szumilewicz associate professor at Gdansk University of Physical Education and Sport (AWFiS), Poland. Her research interests are bi-directional. She analyses the areas of knowledge, skills and competencies of exercise professionals in relation to the concept of European Qualification System. In the experimental studies she assess the influence of various exercise programmes on women’s health, including women in the pre- and postnatal period. Based on the results of scientific research and practical experience she has developed special training program “FemFit Mama” and “HIIT Mama” for women in pregnancy and postpartum, carried out in fitness clubs in Poland and abroad.
Since 2011 she has been cooperating with EuropeActive (EA). As a member of Professional Standards Committee (2014-2016) and later as the Deputy Director – Standards (2019 – currently), she has been involved in developing EA’s Standards at various EQF levels. Anna presented the systemic educational solutions for the fitness and health sectors, among others, as a panelist of the World Health Organization (2021). In Poland, she has been closely cooperating with the Polish Sport Ministry, in a position of Vice-President of the Council for Education and Training of Physical Culture Professionals.
In recognition of her activity she was awarded the Medal of the National Education Commission (The Polish Ministry of Education, 2016), the Bronze Badge for Merits for Sport (The Polish Ministry of Sport, 2017), Bronze Medal for many years of service (President of the Republic of Poland, 2019).