Magdalena Piernicka is a graduate of the Gdansk University of Physical Education and Sport. In 2014, she graduated from the first degree studies at the Faculty of Tourism and Recreation with a specialization in Fitness – exercises for pregnant and postpartum women. During her studies, she developed her interests related to the fitness specialty, gaining new qualifications by participating in numerous courses. From the beginning of her studies, she actively participated in the “AFKOR” Scientific Circle, which allowed her to gain research and practical experience. She wrote her bachelor’s thesis entitled “Pelvic floor muscle training in students of AWFiS in Gdańsk – analysis of the technique of movement tasks before and after 6 weeks of exercise”. Continuing her scientific development in the field of pelvic floor muscles, she defended her master’s thesis entitled ” Teaching the technique of pelvic-floor muscle exercises among sport university female students – a randomized controlled trail “. As part of the project, she conducted a pelvic floor muscle assessment with the use of sEMG at the Physical Exercise Laboratory. Since 2016, she has been a doctoral student and an academic teacher at the Gdansk University of Physical Education and Sport. She has been employed as a didactic and research assistant at the Fitness Department. In 2022, Magdalena Piernicka defended her PhD thesis based on a series of scientific publications under a common topic ‘Training and educational programs and the function of pelvic floor muscles in physically active nulliparous women’.