Materiały dydaktyczne do realizacji IMPK – NEPPE, stanowią zbiór syntez wykładów i ćwiczeń realizowanych w
ramach IMPK-NEPPE w języku angielskim. W materiałach ujmujemy praktyczne treści, w oparciu o opinie uczestników szkolenia oraz nauczycieli biorących udział w trzech edycjach IMPK-NEPPE. Integralną częścią materiałów są prezentacje do poszczególnych zajęć, zamieszczone poniżej.

Prezentacje wspierające szkolenia NEPPE

Moduł 1 “Exercise in pregnancy”

The structure of the female reproductive organs & physiology of pregnancy_Isabel Corrales Gutierrez

CANVA presentation_The structure of the female reproductive organs & physiology of pregnancy_Isabel Corrales Gutierrez

Current recommendations for physical activity during pregnancy_Michelle Mottola

Benefits of exercise during pregnancy & current guidelines supporting exercise during pregnancy_Rita Santos-Rocha

Who should exercise during pregnancy?_Margie Davenport

Pregnancy-induced changes in various body systems that determine the planning and conduct of prenatal
exercise programs_Michelle Mottola

Preventative Role of Prenatal Physical Activity on Common Health Conditions_Margie Davenport

Psychosocial aspects of pregnancy and effect on physical activity_Lou Atkinson

Exercise testing and prescription during pregnancy_Rita Santos-Rocha

Recommended forms of exercise during pregnancy and so-called risky sports_Anna Szumilewicz

Exercise adaptations during pregnancy_Rita Santos-Rocha

Prenatal HIIT & how to icorporate pelvic floor muscle training and birth preparation into exercise programme_Anna Szumilewicz

Moduł 2 “Exercise in postpartum”

The basics of the physiology of postpartum period_Isabel Corrales Gutiérrez

CANVA presentation_The basics of the physiology of postpartum period_Isabel Corrales Gutiérrez

Psychosocial aspects of postpartum and effect on physical activity_Lou Atkinson

Exercise prescription and adaptation during early postpartum_Rita Santos-Rocha

The effects of maternal active lifestyle on the offspring’s development and sexual function_Najmeh Shojaeian

Physical activity with infants – examples of exercise for postpartum women and their babies_Laura Dabasinskiene

Prezentacje łączące treści z modułów 1 i 2 “Exercise in pregnancy and postpartum”

Physiology of birth_Isabel Corrales Gutiérrez

Posture exercise in pregnancy and postpartum_Rita Santos-Rocha

Musculoskeletal challenges during pregnancy and postpartum_Kari Bø

Stress management techniques in pregnancy & postpartum_Simona Pajaujiene

Nutritional & weight gain recommendations for pregnant & postpartum clients_Rui Jorge

Promocja aktywności fizycznej w ciąży i po porodzie

Promotion of healthy lifestyle in pregnancy and postpartum_Simona Pajaujiene

Psychosocial barriers to prenatal physical activity including weight stigma_Taniya Nagpal

Physical activity in prgnancy and postpartum in the Ethiopian context_Moges Gashaw

Physical activity in pregnancy in Iran_Najmeh Shojaeian

Physical activity during pregnancy and postpartum in South Africa_Hanlie Moss

Moduł 3 “Online tools”

Online marketing to support the remote provision of exercise services_Oksana Mazorenko

Coaching digitally_Mikael Vincent

Moduł 4 “Polish culture” & “Educational systems”

Polish folk dance as an exercise offer for pregnant and postpartum women_Dorota Dancewicz-Nosko

EuropeActive educational standards and European Qualification System (EQF)_Anna Szumilewicz

EuropeActive educational services & EREPS_Julian Berriman